8 Tips for Using Cloud Email Archiving

May 20, 2015 Elizabeth Lam Other 0 Comments

The advent of the internet has brought a whole new meaning to "security." And if you need to archive sensitive information in the cloud, you may be wondering how you can keep your info safe and secure. 

Cloud storage has revolutionized how we store our information, especially with email. There's no need anymore to clutter up your inbox or documents folder with attachments. 

Now, you can just send those attachments and emails to the cloud. They are safe and sound for later, but without filling up your inbox or taking up space on your computer hard drive. 

But how can you keep that information secure? If you are interested in cloud email archiving, we have eight awesome tips for how to keep your information safe. 

Keep reading to find out more!

1. Password Protect Everything

Just like with your normal online accounts, you should be password protecting your cloud archives. 

It is notoriously easy to crack most passwords, so make sure you are using different passwords for your cloud service than you are for your social media accounts and email. 

You may also consider looking into a password generator to help create passwords that are harder to crack. 

You can also use the following formula to create a good password:

  1. Don't use a dictionary word (or at least misspell it if you do)
  2. Use more than 12 characters
  3. Mix numbers, letters, uppercase, lowercase, and special characters
  4. Make sure the word has no special significance to you

You can also use this trick: Think of a phrase with significance. I know this flies in the face of what we just told you, but stay with us here. 

For instance: "My first dog was Gypsy. I got her when I was 5 years old." Now, use the first letter of each word to create an acronym, replacing with numbers and special characters as necessary. 

So you would end up with:


A stronger password might have more special characters, but this one is a good mix of numbers, uppercase, and lowercase

2. Encrypt the Data

When you encrypt data, you are essentially putting everything into a code that can't be read without a key, or password. Think of the secret codes on the back of cereal boxes when you were a kid, but on a much larger and more complex scale.

This helps supplement protection offered by passwords. 

Encrypting your information using an encryption service adds an extra level of security from hackers or others wanting to break into your email archives. 

To encrypt your data, you will need encryption software. It is fairly easy to obtain, though some cloud email archiving providers offer this service. 

3. Don't Store Sensitive Data

This should go without saying, but sensitive information shouldn't be stored in the cloud. 

Even under layers of protection, it isn't a great idea to keep information that is only for certain eyes in a place so public as the cloud. Sensitive information is notorious for being the first thing broken into, and by its very nature, you would like to avoid it being compromised. 

Instead, store sensitive info on an external hard drive. Just remember to keep backups. 

4. Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication, or TFA, gives even more security beyond data encryption and password protection. Used together, the three build a solid wall around your data. 

Two Factor Authentication ensures that to get into your account, you need not only your password but also a piece of information that only you know. 

Usually, these take the form of security questions, and you can set your account up to be prompted with these questions each time you log in. 

5. Take Inventory of What's Connected

You'll want to do this on a regular basis. Most cloud email archiving services offer the ability to check what devices are connected your cloud account. 

This can make it incredibly convenient if you do business across multiple devices, and it can also make it easier to sniff out those who mean to steal your data.  

Every few weeks, take a look at what devices are connected to your cloud service. If there are any you either no longer use or any you don't recognize, get rid of them. 

6. Diversify Your Services

If you have a lot of information or many attachments that need storing, it can be helpful to spread them out over multiple cloud services. There are myriad options, so finding more than one won't be difficult. 

Keeping your information in more than one location is the digital equivalent of not putting all your eggs (or emails) in one basket. 

7. Keep Offsite Backup

You have to remember that the cloud is not a backup service. If your provider becomes corrupted, your data is gone. 

Always keep backups of important emails on a piece of hardware such as an external hard drive, and store it separately from any of your cloud-enabled devices. 

You can also use a cloud backup service, which comes with its own added levels of security to ensure your data's safety. 

8. Use an Encrypted Service

Finally, take a look at your cloud email archiving provider's encryption policy. 

Some offer encryption as part of their services, and it will ensure that not only are your files encrypted but that your entire account is hidden behind an encryption key. 

You may have to look into a paid cloud subscription service for this type of added protection, but if the information you are storing is highly important, it may be worth the investment. 

Cloud Email Archiving: Keep it Safe

As technology has advanced, so have strategies for bypassing security systems. 

Keeping your data and email archives safe is a top priority, and you should be doing everything you can to protect your data with multiple layers of security. Using our eight tips, you should be able to keep all your data safe and sound.

For more information on how we can help protect your information, get in touch with us today. 

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