Archival Data Can Ensure Safety for Your Business

March 21, 2015 Geoff Bourgeois Other 0 Comments
When everything is stored digitally, losing your backup can be catastrophic. Read on to learn why and how you should store your archival data to ensure safety.

Losing data can be catastrophic.

External storage for data is subject to problems. Things like flash drives and external hard drives may seem like the safest way to save your digital files, but these things can easily be lost or destroyed.

With this uncertainty, many people in IT are turning to archival data. Especially for data that will need to be stored for years, archival data is the right choice that allows you to easily access and update your files.

But how do you get the most out of archival data? Read on to see how using this tool can ensure safety for your business.

Assess Your Data.

The first step in getting the most out of your archival data system is to know the data you're storing. Knowing the nature of your data will help you figure out which system is best for your needs.

Which data is the most important? What will you want to be able to get ahold of and update regularly? What will probably be untouched for years or longer?

Some suggest using the 80/20 rule, deciding which 20% of the data is most important.

Whatever you decide to use, it's important that you understand your data intimately before you try to store it. Know how sensitive the information is, and how much you can stand to part with it.

Find The System That Suits Your Needs.

There are plenty of data archival systems out there.

Are you looking for content indexing? Analytics? Is your data sensitive, and will it require security?

For example, HubStor is perfect for, among others IT professionals who are looking to leverage the cloud with search, analytics, security, and data governance. While we're able to help plenty of other companies, these are the features we are able to offer.

If you know the exact features that you want your archival storage solution to have, it will make it much easier for you to find the perfect system to suit your needs.

This is where knowing what kind of data you have will come in handy. If you know what you're working with, you'll be able to easily figure out how you want it stored.

Knowing exactly what you want will save you time and stress.

Make Sure You Have Support.

What kind of support does your cloud archival solution offer?

This is a very important factor that should influence your decision. If you don't have the support needed, it can all wind up blowing up in your face if something goes wrong.

HubStor knows how important it is for you to have the support that you need. That's why we call you personally to help you with the installation process, guiding you through things every step of the way.

Pick a solution that will be there to help you exactly when you need it.

Prepare For The Worst.

Deciding on a crisis plan while a crisis is already happening is pointless. It's as effective as dumping a bucket of water on a pile of ashes.

Instead, you should know exactly what the plan is if your data needs to be restored.

Who is in charge of that?

What is the chain of command?

How will your business handle any sort of data crisis?

Having a written plan in place can help you use your archival data solution much more effectively. You'll know exactly what to do when you finally need it. Make sure that anyone who is involved knows of the plan, and be sure to update it regularly to ensure that it is effective.

Use a System That's Reliable.

Know what you're getting into.

Learn how effective a storage system really is by reading online reviews. For example, HubStor was named one of the most promising solutions by CIO Review.

Get information from a reliable source so you know that you can trust it. Ask amongst your peers that you trust and see if they have any experience with the storage system that you're considering.

Using a system with a good reputation will help you immensely in the long run. Take the guess work out of deciding which system is the best and use one that's proven to be effective.

What Happens If You Don't Use Archival Data?

There are many things that can happen if you don't use a data archive.

For one, data archives should make it easier to search for data. If someone asks for a specific piece of data, you should be able to get it easily.

A simple flash drive or external hard drive can't help you find that data. You'll waste precious time and energy searching for it.

Since a data archive is off-site, it will also help you easily access it when you aren't at your office. For remote workers, in particular, this is an invaluable asset.

But most of all, archival data solutions help keep your information safe. Especially if you use both a data archive and an external drive, you'll be sure to have your data in as many places as possible.

How Do You Store Smart?

In this article, we've given you several things to think about when it comes to using an archival data solution.

But we think you'll find that HubStor easily meets all of your needs. Our Azure-based file archiving is unparalleled, one of the safest on the market. We help you manage your data, organizing by what is sensitive. We are also careful to isolate any risks.

In addition, HubStor lets you pay for only what you use. Unlike most systems, we're dedicated to giving you the most for your money. We factor your costs after duplication and compression, ensuring you the best value possible.

Interested in HubStor?

If you are interested in HubStor, it's time to take the next step. Look at our pricing and get in touch with us to get the best archival safety solution to protect your business.

We'd love to help ensure the safety of your business with our archival data solutions.

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