The Smart Move to Software-Based Cloud Storage

October 17, 2018 Elizabeth Lam Storage Strategy, Cloud Data Management 0 Comments

What does it mean to transform your data storage strategy?

It means rethinking everything about your data storage—from architecture to infrastructure, use cases and resource requirements. And more and more often, it means cloud storage is becoming the center of storage administrators’ focus.

Even the most ardent storage administrators are no longer excited by the idea of cramming more storage arrays into their data centers, and instead are opting for cloud storage for a wide range of use cases.

The deployment of new hardware and storage mount points in order to realize the benefits of the cloud is not necessary. We believe a software-only approach is the key to data storage transformation. A hybrid cloud solution with a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) backend means fast and easy adoption that connects your existing IT infrastructure to an infinitely scalable cloud backend.

To help us articulate the data storage transformation that our clients are realizing with the move to software-based cloud storage, Brad Janes, VP of Product Management at HubStor, recently worked with the great folks at TechTarget. Together, they authored a white paper that we think you'll enjoy. You can access it here: Transforming Your Data Storage Strategy: The Smart Move to Software-Based Cloud Storage

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