Guide to getting approval to use HubStor at your organization

January 30, 2020

Let’s say you fall in love with HubStor as the choice for modern backup and archive in the cloud.

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HubStor Clients Benefit Immediately from Microsoft Azure Price Reductions

February 10, 2017

This week, Microsoft announced a 26% price drop on Hot block blob storage, and an even more significant 38% lowering for Cool block blob storage.

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Is the Market for Cloud Storage Gateways Collapsing?

December 06, 2016

After reading Gartner’s Market Guide for Cloud Storage Gateways, published on November 30, 2016, any confidence you had in the cloud storage gateway (CSG) market will be shaken.

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Debunking the Outdated Talking Points of Cloud Storage Cons

June 30, 2016
This post is in response to an InfoStor article entitled Cloud Storage Pros and Cons.

I read a Nasuni blog post yesterday that’s a response to a recent InfoStor article on the pros and cons of cloud

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The Truth About Cloud Storage Data Transfer Costs

January 25, 2016

It’s commonly said that public cloud storage is cheap, but that its data transfer costs supposedly make it unsuitable for long-term cloud archiving.

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