5 Signs Your Datacenter Operations Need to be Reimagined

June 24, 2015 Geoff Bourgeois Other 0 Comments

Are you responsible for running datacenter operations where you work?

It's not easy, is it?

In fact, datacenter operations are a lot harder than it may seem.

Luckily, you can always improve your systems.

Here are 5 signs your datacenter operations need to be reimagined.

1. Your Datacenter Operations are Moving to the Cloud

The role of the corporate datacenter is changing.

Right now there are over 8.6 million datacenter's worldwide. Many companies are moving to outsource the hosting of their infrastructure.

Many are turning to the cloud to host their infrastructure.

Why is the cloud becoming so popular?

  • Convenient
  • Secure
  • On Demand Network
  • Access to a Shared Pool of Resources
  • Scalable and Elastic

Keep in mind that there is a difference between the cloud and a datacenter.

The cloud stores data on the Internet and is based off-premises.

A datacenter stores the data within the local network and is often found on-premises or outsourced to a database operations center where the information is stored on-premises.

2. Your Datacenter Operations Doesn't Have Properly Trained Personnel

It's imperative that you hire the right employees for any position.

But when you're building a datacenter operations team, you really need to make sure you find and retain the right people.

After all, these are the people who can make or break your business. If the datacenter goes down because an employee quits, it could cost you a lot in lost revenue.

Here's how hiring the right employees will help your datacenter operations run more smoothly:

  • Balance: Make sure that you balance your capital and operational expenditures to your company's needs.
  • Qualified Personnel: Not having adequate staffing coverage or hiring unqualified personnel will add time and money to your datacenter operations budget. Staff according to your needs and budget. Look for personnel who have technical, administrative and communication skills.
  • Training Programs: Create and develop levels of training to aid in increasing the level of expertise in your employees. It will also help verify that the employees have been properly trained the first time.
  • Drill & Test Skills: What happens if there is an emergency? Are your datacenter operations employees ready? Is there a system put in place so everyone knows what to do? Even if there isn't an emergency, are there tests in place to ensure everyone is properly trained?

While it may seem to you that developing and implementing a training program will be costly, not providing one will lead to:

  • Lower Retention Rates
  • Less Qualified Personnel
  • Possible Harm of Employees in an Emergency Situation
  • Loss of Money and Time for Company Due to Poor Business Practices

3. Your Datacenter Operations Lack Policies or Procedures

It's a waste of time and money to train employees if you lack policies and procedures.

Documentation must be done for all aspects of datacenter operations. It also needs to measure expected results.

Here are some policies and procedures that must be properly documented:

  • Facility Walk-throughs
  • Routine Operations
  • Vendor Turnover
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Emergency Response
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Method of Procedure
  • Quality Control Procedures
  • Quality Assurance Procedures

Without implementing systems and procedures, it's highly likely your datacenter operations will be mired with accidents, problems, and poor employee retention.

Developing and implementing procedures will ensure that the process is done the same way each time and done safely, no matter which employee is handling the procedure.

4. Your Datacenter Operations Energy Costs Are Through the Roof

Energy isn't cheap. And datacenter operations use up a lot of energy.

That's because they're built for capacity, reliability, and capability.

Database operations centers are not built to be energy efficient.

However, there are things you can do to reduce both your carbon footprint and your energy costs:

  • Reduce Cooling Center Consumption: Look to eliminate cooling inefficiencies and look into upgrading your cooling system.
  • Virtualize & Consolidate Your Server: Can increase utilization from 10% to 20-30% or even higher. You'll also be able to reclaim rack space and stranded power.
  • Monitor Your Cold Temperatures: To maximize efficiency and minimize problems, balance your equipment. Then calibrate and monitor your cold aisle temperatures.
  • Match Server Capacity to Actual Load (in real time): You can reduce your total power consumption by up to 50% by doing this.
  • Determine Actual Consumption Amount: Older equipment typically uses more power. New equipment that's been improperly allocated and aggregated can overload the circuits more often.
  • Eliminate Transfer Switch: It's more efficient while still just as effective during a power outage.
  • Implement Proper Emergency and Other SOP Protocol: While it's been mentioned before, with proper systems in place, much of these extra unexpected costs can be easily avoided.

5. Your Datacenter Operations Isn't Able to Help You with Your Needs

Choosing the right datacenter operations to handle your needs isn't an easy task.

It's worth it to take some time and do your homework first.

Here are some things to consider when choosing your datacenter operations company:

  • Connectivity: Check to see if the company has multiple transit providers. It will improve reliability and extend reachability to your customer base.
  • Data Security: Do they have a staff operating 24/7? When visiting the space do they have security cameras? Or restricted areas? Make sure the database operations company you choose has implemented their own security systems first.
  • Downtime: What policies are in place should a power failure occur? You could potentially lose a lot of money if they don't have a proper policy in place. Check if they have both A + B power feeds, a battery backup and onsite generators.
  • Information: Share your vision of your business. See if the company can help you not only with your needs now, but can continue to help you as you and your company grows.
  • Customizable Product Offerings: Many companies use different environments to run their business. A good datacenter operations company should be able to offer you a dedicated server for production, colocation for backup, and a private cloud for development.

There are many other steps that go into reimagining your database operations. Something like using the right software can make a huge difference.

However, finding the right company who can answer all your questions and meet your needs is a great first step.

We're here to guide you every step of the way toward helping you and your business succeed.

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