7 Reasons to Use Backup and Recovery Solutions

May 19, 2015 Elizabeth Lam Other 0 Comments

Concerned about your files and private data? Want to keep them safe in case something goes wrong?

If so, consider using backup and recovery solutions. These services are not a luxury but a requirement.

According to Symantec, 37 percent of small business owners have lost data in the data and used backups to restore it. The same happened to 47 percent of enterprises.

Remember Murphy’s Law “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong?” It applies to businesses too. Natural disasters, cyber attacks, and human error can result in lost files. Thus, you must find a way to restore lost data without hassle.

Choosing the Right Backup and Recovery Solutions

Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose from different types of backup recovery solutions. These include:

  • Incremental backups
  • Full backups
  • Synthetic full backups
  • Differential backups
  • Incremental-forever backups

Each service has its perks. For instance, full backups involve making a copy of the entire data set. Nothing will be lost or left behind.

An incremental backup will only save the data that has been modified since the previous backup. This option helps reduce storage space usage and takes less time to complete.

Business owners can also opt for image, file, or database backups. For best protection, use multiple types of backup solutions.

The best-rated backup and recovery solutions are packed with features that will take your business to a whole new level.

Some provide flexible data capture, local offline storage, and unlimited scalability. Others enable users to perform full backups of running applications that contain sensitive data.

Make sure you choose service that supports multiple platforms, such as MAC and Linux. This way, you can backup and restore data on any computer.

Look for a plan that offers clear instructions on how to make a backup copy of your files. The process should be straightforward and easy to understand. This helps reduce workload and staffing costs.

The question is: why do business owners need these services? What are the benefits? Here are seven reasons to use backup and recovery solutions:

Comprehensive Data Protection

About 96 percent of all business workstations don't use backup solutions. If something happens, their files will be lost forever. A major fire, ransomware attacks, or hardware failure can bring a business down.

With backup and recovery solutions, it's no need to worry about these things. Your files will be stored in a secure environment that you can access 24/7. In case of an incident, you can restore data within minutes.

Cost Savings

Data loss is expensive. Seven out of 10 small businesses experiencing a major data loss close within 12 months.

Not backing up your data could kill your business. Without a backup solution, it may cost thousands to recover lost files.

Backup and recovery solutions allow you to save and restore data without the need for on-site hardware. This can save you a small fortune in the long run.

Predictable Costs

When you sign up for these services, you know exactly how much you'll have to pay. There are no hidden costs to worry about.

Backup services are completely automated and can be customized to your needs. Most companies will charge a monthly or yearly fee, which allows for simple budgeting.

Later, you can upgrade to a more comprehensive plan, or add new features to your existing plan. This gives you full control over the costs involved. 

Less Storage and Bandwidth

Manual backups are time-consuming and take up a lot of space. Your servers might not be able to handle all the data.

Backup and recovery solutions help reduce storage space and bandwidth. This leads to improved network performance and lower storage costs.

Enhanced Security

Cloud storage services and other backup solutions boast advanced security features. These may include digital signatures, advanced encryption, and multiple authentication layers.

For instance, Microsoft Azure sends email notifications whenever a critical operation is performed. If someone deletes your files, you'll know right away.

Fast Recovery

The best recovery solutions allow users to quickly find and restore data. This helps eliminate downtime and keeps your business running smoothly.

For large organizations, the average cost of downtime per hour can be as high as $163,674.

Downtime will result in business disruption, lost revenue, and decreased productivity. You may also lose business critical applications that make everyday operations possible.

Increased Competitive Advantage

Online backup and recovery make it easier to resume your activity when disaster strikes. No matter what happens, you'll have access to customer data and business transactions.

Thanks to these services, you can access and use critical data without a hard drive. Moreover, your customers won't have to worry about security breaches. This will give you a competitive edge and allow for better customer service.

Wrapping Up

Data loss can happen when you expect the least. You never know when an employee deletes important files, or when your servers crash.

Hardware failure, malware, and power outages are among the primary causes of data loss. In one out of five cases, humor error is the culprit.

Not to mention that nature is unpredictable. In 2012, hundreds of companies were forced to stop their operations when Hurricane Sandy hit New York. Natural disasters can result in revenue loss, unhappy customers, and even bankruptcy.

Backup and recovery solutions allow you quickly restore data. You can recover emails, folders, or individual files. Your business can not afford the cost of downtime.

Additionally, these services are safe and secure. Your files will be encrypted before and while traveling cyber space.

Backup solutions don’t take an entire IT department to run. All you need to do is to train your employees. Eventually, you can assign this task to the tech guy who handles your online business operations.

By now, you should have a clear idea of why your company needs backup and recovery solutions. These services can save you time and money while providing a competitive edge. Your only job is to pick one that best suits your needs.

Contact us to find out more! Our experts at HubStor can help you choose the right backup solutions for your business.

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