Why Your Cloud Archive Strategy Needs Cloud Analytics

April 24, 2015 Geoff Bourgeois Azure, Data Aware Storage, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Other 0 Comments

Cloud analytics can transform the value that IT provides the business.

Wouldn't your life be so much easier if you could make business and IT choices based on information that's updated in real-time?

Wouldn't that information be much easier to find if you could have a customized dashboard?

Wouldn't you like to be able to get data from all of your records in a few seconds, no matter where that data is located?

We know you already answered yes to all of those questions.

The good news: cloud analytics, especially in software like Microsoft Azure, can make it happen.

And it's already helped countless IT professionals in a variety of industries.

In fact, 80% of Fortune 500 companies have already started using the cloud-based Microsoft Azure.

Plus, about 6 million government employees trust the cloud enough to use Microsoft Azure.

And that number is slated to only grow with time. By the year 2018, the commercial cloud strategies generated by Microsoft are expected to generate about $20 billion a year in revenue.

In this post, we'll tell you why you need to make cloud analytics a part of your cloud archive strategy.

1. Public Cloud Infrastructure is Elastic and Protected

This is a crucial part of cloud analytics: It is easy to scale without becoming a large project or costing you much money. Plus, the data is highly protected.

When you archive data to the cloud, think of the cloud as offering more than just storage with automatic backup. There is compute that you can apply to your storage, and this compute can scale up or down to run different types of analytics.

Furthermore, before we begin to talk about all the benefits of data analysis that Microsoft Azure and other cloud systems offer, we first need to talk about how the keep that data safe.

Azure backup makes synchronous data backups during the write process. And with cloud archiving, you'll save time and space in your network - but all your data will still be secure.

We especially love that you have 6 different copies of the data in your cloud, which is split up between 2 Azure storage centers.

Plus, since you know that compliance usually requires you to keep records of your data for several years, you can retain your data through Azure for as long as you need without every worrying about a hardware refresh or drive failure.

You can also get automated disaster recovery services, which you can make as simple or as complex as you need.

2. Cloud Analytics Offers Wonderful Data Analysis

Especially through Microsoft Azure's Log Analytics program, you'll be able to clearly access all your data - no matter where you are.

We also love that the incredible log-management tools Azure offers let you easily gather your data, even if that data is stored in several different systems.

This makes it simple to find what exactly is causing any operational problems you're having.

You can even use drag-and-drop search methods to create your own dashboards - that way, you can easily find the most important data.

You'll also be able to see when your servers need to be updated and even take a look at your network's malware status.

It also conveniently helps you to keep track of any changes made to the configuration of your server. It will also help you to quickly locate any changes made to your software itself.

This is usually one of the first steps you'll take when you run into an operational problem - and you know that every second counts.

3. Cloud Analytics Increase Your Company's Efficiency

If you know what's not working in your company, you can make the required changes faster.

Cloud analytics can help you to easily identify any issues you're having with the day-to-day operations of your business.

These can include:

  • Compliance audits
  • Better insight into ex-employee data
  • Storage cost correlation to cost centers, projects, clients, etc.
  • Access rights analysis and patterns
  • Data classification and data loss prevention

Of course, our favorite benefit of cloud analytics is all the money it will save your company!

Think about it: if you know that your inventory levels are too high or too low, you can spend money only on the products you need - at their most popular sales times.

You'll even be able to use the data stored in your cloud to help you to create a more personalized customer experience. This is because cloud analytics can tell you individualized information about your customers.

Now, you'll know what they're more likely to order when they might order it, and even allow you to offer them discounts.

You can even send the data your cloud has gathered to your suppliers so that they have access to the order history of your customers.

Finally, these cloud services also offer content indexing. This means that you'll be able to easily index all of your metadata. You'll also be able to more easily locate your private or sensitive data.

No matter what industry you're in, you owe it to yourself, your employees, and your customers to use products that both protect and streamline your business.

4. It Works Well With The Microsoft Tools You Already Have

Finally, we love that Microsoft's Cloud Analytics work seamlessly with tools such as SharePoint, Outlook, and even Office 365.

This helps you to simplify the way you manage IT solutions even further.

Now, you can combine your on-premise solutions with Microsoft Azure's digital machines.

Where Can You Find The Top Cloud Analytics Providers?

Now that you know about just a few of the benefits that cloud analytics offers to IT professionals around the globe, we know you're wondering where you can find the right provider for you.

That's where we come in.

We offer cloud-integrated storage, data management, competitive analytics, and even self-service recovery.

We want you to be able to take advantages of our service in order to strengthen your security, streamline your backup services, increase your capacity, and most of all, lower the cost of your current data storage plan.

We also offer storage tiering, data loss prevention, and of course, serious data encryption.

With solutions like these out there, there's no reason to go with anything else.

We offer affordable and permanent data solutions you can't get anywhere else.

Don't compromise the safety of your data for one more day.

Don't lose access to the kinds of valuable analytics that can save you money, time, and increase your operating efficiency.

Instead, reach out to use to learn more about the cloud services we offer, and to make an appointment with us or request a demo today.

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