How Email Archive Solutions Can Make Your Business More Efficient

May 25, 2015 Elizabeth Lam Data Protection, Search, Email Archive, Email Archiving 0 Comments

Your business relies on communications tools to get the job done.

You can collaborate better using instant messages, chat rooms and emails. Especially when you're thinking about business email, there are some challenges you need to overcome.

Your business sends and receives hundreds of thousands of emails a year. You need to keep a record of what's been happening. But where are you going to store all that data?

This is where email archive solutions come in. They are an important asset to support your company's storage needs and data handling processes.

What Are Email Archive Solutions?

In their most simple form, email archives act as an external storage bay for all the emails building up on your local servers.

This takes the storage strain off your own servers, as the emails are instead hosted in the cloud. Email archive solutions can also easily scale up to meet your needs. If you need to access further storage, it's ready and waiting.

This provides a cost-effective solution to email storage. It also takes the strain of dealing with this issue off your IT department, who can now focus on other priorities.

You can set up administrators and other privileged users, and manage their levels of access. These people can then set access parameters for regular users.

Search Systems to Benefit Your Business

Besides helping out with storage, there are many other business reasons to use email archive solutions.

You may simply need a good search system to trawl through all the emails stored. Email archive solutions provide fast search functions. These functions can then extend across accounts and sort by content type.

You can use advanced search features to tighten your search criteria. Now, you can pinpoint the exact series of emails you're looking for.

Many countries now have data protection laws. Of course, you need to abide by them at all times when handling customer data.

For example, in the UK the Data Protection Act of 1998 requires you to only use customer data in certain ways. It also requires you to provide the data you hold about people directly to them if they make a formal request.

A search function across your email archive allows you to find the relevant information with ease by identifying related emails. This can help to field formal data requests.

It can also be useful if you need to search back for old emails when gathering evidence to defend against litigation. The same thing goes for your accounting department.

This is a quick and easy process. This means that you'll easily be able to defend your company's legal position or respond to financial auditors.

No Need to Remind Staff About What To Do

Employees in your business work hard and try to get everything right. But sometimes, they may forget to follow retention guidelines to the letter.

If they accidentally delete an important email, or forget to follow protocol, you may have lost something of value.

When using automated email archive solutions, you and your staff don't have to worry about following these rules.

The system will automatically store and backup emails for you. It's not just one less thing to think about, but you also won't have to bother training your staff to adhere to your system. Instead, everything will be done for them.

You're saving time, money, and preventing your staff from making mistakes. This will result in increased efficiency and cost savings.

You also won't have to allocate allowances for email among your employees. They can send and receive as many emails as they like without having to worry about reaching the limit. Email archive solutions offer enough space for them to just keep going.

Backing Up Your Emails

Email archive solutions provide a valuable backup to your local email storage.

Keeping a backup is always good practice. Your business and its users can restore emails which have been accidentally deleted.

This means that your IT department won't  have to deal with constant requests to help out users who have accidentally removed an email from their inbox. A good backup can also act as a ransomware insurance plan. Keep in mind that even if your local hardware has become infected with malware, your email data can be restored from an earlier point.

Version history can be tracked through the backup system, so you can also revert to previous versions if necessary.

A good backup can also be useful during system migrations, as there is the potential for things to get lost during the move.

Archives: A Secure Solution

The Symantec 2017 Internet Security Threat Report has revealed the scale of 'unprecedented' global threat activity over the previous year.

You need to know that your data is safe from cyber-attacks. Our system synchronizes access rights, can implement write-once-read-many (WORM) protocols and uses bank grade security to protect your business.

We offer two encryption-at-rest methods, and can advise on which of these will best suit your business.

You're also protected from internal threats with immutable audit logs which track all system, admin and user activities.

If an email archive system's security is not tight, it can put the entire business at risk. If you're unsure about anything, any reliable provider will be able to talk through their security measures in great detail.

Call Us for a Quote

We don't believe in setting a high storage cap for businesses who aren't going to use everything they're paying for. So, we only charge customers for the storage they actually use.

Further to this, our system compresses files when they arrive at HubStor by anywhere between 50% and 80%. So if you're archive 100TB of data and this reduces to 20TB when its in our systems - we'll only charge you for 20TB of storage.

Our pricing estimator can provide you with a detailed 5-year cost projection for you to factor into your business planning.

And as with all good email archive solutions, we offer full technical support to tackle any questions or issues you may have.

Contact us today. We'll be happy to answer all your questions and get your email archive up and running.

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