Is the Market for Cloud Storage Gateways Collapsing?

December 06, 2016

After reading Gartner’s Market Guide for Cloud Storage Gateways, published on November 30, 2016, any confidence you had in the cloud storage gateway (CSG) market will be shaken.

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3 Types of Archives: What's Right For You?

December 03, 2015

There are generally 3 types of archives in enterprise IT:

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3 Estimates on In-House Storage Costs

December 02, 2015

Do you understand all the pieces of the puzzle pertaining to your in-house storage costs?  Raw versus usable?  Upfront versus all-in?

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Gartner's Storage Scenario for Midsize Organizations

July 20, 2015

What's certain in life?  Death, taxes. . . and continued data growth.

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