WORM Storage in Microsoft Azure

July 05, 2017

Write once read many (WORM) storage is an essential capability for compliance requirements such as SEC Rule 17a-4.

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10 Ways Data Aware Storage Benefits Security & Compliance

March 14, 2016

In this post we continue our series on data aware storage by looking specifically at what data aware storage can do for security and compliance.

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How Data Aware Storage Works

February 29, 2016

This post is a continuation in our series on data aware storage.  In our previous post we looked at what data aware storage is and why it matters.  Now let's look at what goes in to making it work.

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5 Things for Better Cloud Storage Security

August 19, 2015

Explosive growth in unstructured data is driving enterprises toward cloud storage to reduce their fully-burdened storage cost.

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