Understanding the Benefits of Hosted Email Archiving

May 26, 2015 Elizabeth Lam Other 0 Comments

PING! That sound is the sound of an email hitting your inbox, and chances are, you hear it a lot. With approximately 269 billion emails being sent each day in 2017, you could drown quickly. And IT professionals in medium to large enterprise organizations are at the highest risk for slipping under those rocky waters.

Fortunately, help is in sight, though it's not something you can actually see. While hosted email archiving is becoming more and more popular for IT professionals in charge of storage data centers, network infrastructure, and servers, you can't actually see it, as it works behind your scenes.

Step away from your inbox and read on to find out how hosting your email storage may be the best way to keep a hold on your messages.

The Host with the Most

Do you have your email alerts on silent? Maybe they're on that 50% faded view of a small envelope pop-up on the bottom-right of your screen? Or perhaps when you get an email, everyone within three cubicles around you knows it. 

The fact is, emails coming into your company aren't as big of a concern as to what's happening to those emails once they've actually landed in their recipients' inboxes.

Sometimes they just sit there, sometimes they're filed into other boxes, and sometimes they're forwarded around. 

When they aren't quickly deleted, though, it signals that the person wants to possibly refer to that email again, but what happens when a lot of people want to keep a lot of emails? 

Your system gets bloated, starts running slow, and may experience crashes. It doesn't matter if you have a small company with a small infrastructure or a huge amount of people and data capacity: bloat is bloat. 

Hosted Email Archiving Takes the Weight Off 

All that email in one place doesn't just mean bloat, though.

It makes you a target, but it doesn't have to. There's a way to keep and retain access to all of the emails your company needs and chances are, you're familiar with its cousin on the personal side.

Ever move all those pet pictures off your phone into the Cloud? Or put your latest thoughts online into a hosted blog site?

For your business, consider hosted email archiving. Email archiving benefits to your business include:

  • Processing of all types of email files, including attachments, from many different email clients
  • Compatibility with many servers
  • Anywhere/anytime access over a secure internet
  • Availability to search files faster without network lag
  • Scalability if your company grows
  • Export a single email or an entire folder group to many systems and file types

What's in Your Bag?

Quick quiz: What's in your grab and go bag for having to evacuate, flee, or make a quick move in a time of an emergency or disaster?

We guess you may have said items such as bottled water, medicine, a warm jacket, and household papers.

But many companies, too, have disaster plans, sometimes called disaster recovery or business continuity plans, revolving on how to preserve corporate intel such as data and, yes, email, when the worst strikes. 

Unfortunately, an area that IT professionals tend to miss in their meticulous planning is email. You may have the most iron-clad preparations for your files, network, and access points, but what about email? 

What about the email files that employees have stored in their systems for years? Or refer to daily? Or are currently in process handling, up to the moment the disaster actually strikes? 

So be sure that company-wide email-safety planning is part of your information technology disaster plan. You'll be glad it's covered, even if - in the moment - you can't stop to think about it. 

Dr's Orders: Hosted Email Archiving for Health

Think your company is safe because you and your team hit every single computer (before a nasty virus itself could hit) and installed a CD-ROM with anti-virus protection

Sadly, you can still suffer a grievous loss to company intelligence and security through a virus, and it can take down your email system as well in several ways:

  • Change passwords behind the scenes, preventing logins
  • Email itself (replication) to others in users' contacts address book
  • Mask itself as attachment files
  • Sit and lay dormant, invisible, for months until it is time to infect your infrastructure
  • Scrape financial data such as revenue, accounts receivable and payable, corporate credit card numbers, payroll, and more

Maybe you feel extra secure because you send it all to the Cloud. Many people do.

But many people shouldn't.

Viruses, such as Ransomware, can attack email even if it is kept under a lock and key cloud storage system.

Hackers are smart, and they're going to continue to pursue ways of accessing and attacking your data, including email. Upgrade your systems to hosted email archiving to keep on par with criminals' own nasty developments that aim to really make you sick.

Save Yourself

If the idea of saving your email just makes you think you'll soon be starring on the next episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive, let us help you. And we don't mean by bringing empty recycling trailers to your office to relieve you of the tidal wave of papers.

Whether your company has insisted on hosted email archiving or you've come to realize it's truly the light at the end of your tunnel, start here.

Click to send us a bit of information about your current email setup, including telling us what type of use cases are important to you, such as whether you deal with Office 365, WORM, and SharePoint.

You can also request a demo here and/or alert one of our pricing specialists that you're ready to hear how much hosted email archiving can really help your enterprise IT setup. 

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