HubStor Deploys New Cloud Archive Features, Enhances Data Aware Cloud Storage and Adds Automatic Billing

September 20, 2016
HubStor invests in customer experience and provides added transparency into its cloud consumption business model.

HubStor Inc., developer of

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7 Ways Amazon Glacier Fails at Cloud Archiving Compared to HubStor on Microsoft Azure

September 11, 2016

, the archive cloud storage available in Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a great backup tape replacement, but IT professionals often assume it is a true enterprise-grade cloud archive

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Bishop Technologies Runs HubStor to Archive, Protect, and Manage File Storage in Microsoft Azure

July 19, 2016

HubStor Inc., developer of the world’s first data aware cloud archive solution, today announced that Microsoft cloud technologies specialist Bishop

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Bishop Technologies deploys HubStor for file system archiving on Microsoft Azure

July 12, 2016

“The process to get HubStor fully up and running was amazingly easy and simple.” MIKE NGUYEN, IT ADMINISTRATOR, BISHOP TECHNOLOGIES

The following interview was conducted July 12, 2016 with Mike

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Debunking the Outdated Talking Points of Cloud Storage Cons

June 30, 2016
This post is in response to an InfoStor article entitled Cloud Storage Pros and Cons.

I read a Nasuni blog post yesterday that’s a response to a recent InfoStor article on the pros and cons of cloud

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HubStor Partners with Microsoft

July 15, 2015

Through Microsoft's BizSpark program, HubStor has partnered with Microsoft, the Redmond-based software giant, to make the cloud more attractive for enterprise archiving of unstructured data workloads

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10 Reasons Your Company Needs an Email Archive

May 24, 2015

Has your email archive strategy evolved to take advantage of the latest cloud developments?

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Why Your Cloud Archive Strategy Needs Cloud Analytics

April 24, 2015

Cloud analytics can transform the value that IT provides the business.

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